Filtered RSSI
Mixer script to make the RSSI value useful again.
Returns several filtered RSSI values, with 0 as 'no telem' value.
Needs a Logical Switch to check for 'telem' true (AND 'telem').
Put it in the /SCRIPTS/MIXES directory, and on the radio, create 1 logical switch and select this script in the special mixes page.
Have fun.
- Download: Previous versions
FRSSI.lua 2.96 Kb 2454
Filename Version File size Changes FRSSI.lua 1.0 2.96 Kb - Firmware compatibility: 2.1,2.2,2.3
- Device Compatibility: Taranis X-Lite,Taranis X7(S),Taranis X9D(+),Taranis X9E,Horus X10(S),Horus X12
- Author: L Shems
- E-mail or Website:
- License: GPL
- Comments: