
  • Define the switch names per switch (sa, sb, ..) and set the corresponding states. Run as one-timeor telemetry script, it will now list up to 8 switches, with the name, followed by all states, and the current state highlighted.


    Unzip the zipfile to the SDcard.


    Create a model named AppMan and set the telemetry script to be run as 'switch'. it will load the switch definition from the SCRIPTS/AppMan folder. Customise for your models at will.

  • Taranis X9D(+), X9E download: Previous versions SCRIPTS.zip 0.80 Kb 2843
    Filename Version File size Changes
    SCRIPTS.zip 1.0.1 0.80 Kb changed defaul texts and positions so it fits on all Taranis type radio screens
    SCRIPTS.zip 1.0.0 0.81 Kb
  • Firmware compatibility: 2.1,2.2
  • Device Compatibility: Taranis X-Lite,Taranis X7(S),Taranis X9D(+),Taranis X9E
  • Author: L Shems
  • E-mail or Website: www.justfly.solutions
  • License: GPL
  • Comments: