percentage battery charge checker

  • OK , here is the package with my script and supporting documentation.

    the script is "my_bat.lua"
    It should be stored in the memory card under the directory SCRIPTS/MIXES

    The script produces an integer number, the Percent Charge remaining.
    It may be displayed on the Telemetry screen and will be read out by a special function. (see screen shots of these screens)
    The assumption is that there is a Voltage sensor in A2.

    the instructions may be followed from the attached file "Model Script Example Automatic Battery Cell Detection.docx " , 
    from where my script was derived .

    the table of percent battery charge data was taken from the package ""

    the XL spreadsheet included in "" has the cell Voltage - Charge data and charts .

    credit goes to these sources for most of the material I used :
    OpenTX- LUA reference guide
    Model Script Example: Automatic Battery Cell Detection


    Battery Checker Version:4.1

    I hope it works for you !
    Jure Z.

  • Download: Previous versions Percent Battery Storage Charge 135.60 Kb 2568
    Filename Version File size Changes
    Percent Battery Storage Charge 1.1 135.60 Kb I have upgraded the script so that now it beeps the cell count on the transmitter.
    Percent Battery Storage Charge 1.0 136.72 Kb
  • Firmware compatibility: 2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3
  • Device Compatibility: Taranis X-Lite,Taranis X7(S),Taranis X9D(+),Taranis X9E,Horus X10(S),Horus X12
  • Author: JureZ
  • E-mail or Website: JureZ
  • License: GPL
  • Comments: