Horus Mavlink Passthrough
A universal lua script for displaying mavlink values on FrSky Horus OpenTX
This Lua Widget script shows varius Mavlink Data and / or standard sensors data and values on your screen.
To invoke the Passthrough Telemetrie follow these steps:
- you need a serial converter as described here: http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-frsky-passthrough.html
- Set your SERIAL#_PROTOCOL to 10
- Copy pas1.lua and pas2.lua to your Horus SD Card /SCRIPTS/MIXES/
- Copy the widget folder to /WIDGETS
- Invoke the background Scripts in your model settings tab "custom scripts"
- Connect your vehicle with battery or USB Power and go to your models telemetry sensors and add the new sensors
- Go to your telemetrie setup and build a new screen, use the 1x1 layout and deactivate sliders and trim
- select the "APM-Mavlink-SPort" widget.
- Configure the widget to our needs:
Cells -- lipo cells
Mode -- switch for toggle screens
Setting -- here you can define which setting to useThe widget definition examples should now display the following screens on your Horus:
Screen 1 (switch position 1) shows varius sensors and data
Screen 2 (switch position 2) shows an artificial horizon Screen 3 (switch position 3) shows Mavlink Messages (12 rows)The "hud" widget needs at least 1/3 cell width and 2x height.
The "vfas" and "ap_batt" widget needs at least 3x cell height because. The "msg" widget needs the whole screenYou can configure your own settings like this: widgetDefinition = {{"mavtype", "armed", "fm", "timer"},{"ap_batt", 0, 0, "rxbat"},{"ap_volt", "ap_curr", "ap_drawn", "rssi"},{"gps", "ap_alt", "ap_speed", "ap_dist"}}
If you like my theme background image, you can find it in /THEMES/Default/ this is the place to take it. Dont forget to backup your original background.png.
For testing the SPort Passthrough, there is a second widget in folder "Passthrough". This script dosn't need the background mixes and is still faster. So i have to deals with less widgets and grafics at one time.
Known Bugs and issues:
- hud horizon disapears some time
- latency to high?
- Mavlink msg are some times wraped or cutted
- some times i get the message "Sensors lost". Mix scripts are running with less priority and have only a short run-time of 30ms, execution is not guarantied. So seeking a better solution is on agenda. To avoid this the background Script is splitted in two scripts pas1.lua and pas2.lua but the message still appears.
- Download: Previous versions
Horus.zip 295.19 Kb 2590
Filename Version File size Changes Horus.zip 1.0 295.19 Kb - Firmware compatibility: 2.2
- Device Compatibility: Horus X10(S),Horus X12
- Author: Jochen Anglett
- E-mail or Website: info@zentechnology.de
- License: GPL
- Comments: