Put anywhere on your SDcard, and execute it using the SDcard browser. It will show you a list of the first 8 outputs that have a curve assigned.
To calibrate a servo output of for instance the left servo to match the right servo, add a curve to the left servo output , with a linear curve with enough points, and set to 'smooth'.
Start this app, and select the line for the servo you want to calibrate.
Move the sticks to get the output servo in the position you want to correct using the curve, and edit the value using the menu.
Have Fun and Just Fly!
P.S. if I get some positive feedback, I will add it to the default menu.
- Download: Previous versions
OutputCurveTest.lua 2.63 Kb 2392
Filename Version File size Changes OutputCurveTest.lua 1.0 2.63 Kb - Firmware compatibility: 2.2
- Device Compatibility: Taranis X-Lite,Taranis X7(S),Taranis X9D(+),Taranis X9E,Horus X10(S),Horus X12
- Author: L Shems
- More info: Over here
- License: Other
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