Freewing Lippisch P.15

  • Flying wing with automatic elevator upon launch. It detects a long throttle idle period (15s) to detect the start. Upon (nearly) full throttle it will apply some elevator which will give a 2 second up which will then gradually diminish for another 2 seconds. The first 2 seconds will be cut upon moving the elevator.

    It has my throttle safety that can be overridden by a long hold of the launch button (SC)

    SA applies the rates through a SF that controls GVAR3. 2 SF's will tell you the rate that it has switched to.

    I have closed off the bottom cheaters of this wing and am also using the outer hole on the 2 elevon horns. That hole is a bit bigger, but that can be successfully made smaller using some CA glue.

  • Taranis X-Lite download: Previous versions p.15.otx 1.14 Kb 3877
    Filename Version File size Changes
    p.15.otx 1.03 1.14 Kb Refined battery voltage thresholds
    Improved elevator compensation at launch (more compensation)
    Prevent false triggering of timer resets (resets upon install of fresh battery)
    p.15.otx 1.02 1.13 Kb Added the word "percent" with rate
    p.15.otx 1.0.1 1.13 Kb Put Expo in a GVAR so it is in only 1 place
    p.15.otx 1.0 1.12 Kb
  • Firmware compatibility: 2.2,2.3
  • Device Compatibility: Taranis X-Lite,Taranis X7(S),Taranis X9D(+),Taranis X9E,Horus X10(S),Horus X12
  • License: GPL
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