Advanced Quadroflap glider programming with the following features:
Combi Switch Selectable
Combi Switch off during brake and speed mode
Aileron differential
Aileron differential off during brake
Ailerons mixed to flaps
Flaps differential
Flap servos are moved from neutral position to allow more downwards travel
Start/Landing mode selectable with switch
Here, Motor and 2 different brake settings can be accessed with throttle stick
Normal flight mode selectable with switch.
Here, Normal, speed, and thermal mode can be accessed with throttle stick
Individual elevator trims for all flight modes
Beep when any flight mode besides "normal" is activated
Continous beep when Start/Landing mode is activated, as the motor is armed here.
Countdown timer as %Throttle on throttle channel
- Taranis X9D(+), X9E download: Previous versions
Arcus.bin 0.76 Kb 2384
Filename Version File size Changes Arcus.bin 1.0 0.76 Kb - Firmware compatibility: 2.0
- Device Compatibility: Taranis X9D(+)
- Author: Julez
- E-mail or Website:
- License: Other
- Comments:
- SA: Flightmodes in combi with throttle
- Servo1: Ail R
- Servo2: Elevator
- Servo3: Throttle
- Servo4: Rudder
- Servo5: Flap R
- Servo6: Flap L
- Servo7: Ail L